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  • Writer's picture@Michelle_MadisonTV

Mixed Metals Tablescape

Updated: Aug 1, 2022


MIXED METALS Make Over . I put the Midas touch on my candelabras and pumpkins with this deeply saturated mettalic gold pray paint and I absolutely LOVE how they turned out!


Spray Paint Instructions:

1. Follow directions on can to prep area. Go outside if possible and wear gloves

2. Cleaned my candelabras by wiping then off using a wet paper towel and a tab of dish soap.

3. Let air dry

4. Place dry candelabras on a protective sheet of plastic bags. Be sure you're on an even surface

5. Put on your gloves and shake your can of spray paint as instructed before applying the first coat.

6. I applied 3 coates waiting an hour between each before applying the next coat.

7. Follow directions on can for drying. I waited 24 hours for my candelabras to dry completely. . I made the "Thankful" cutouts in alternating chrome gold and matte silver for added texture using my Cricut Maker. . Popped the tablescape with gold foil rimmed black and white plaid plates to finish the look. . Hope y'all are enjoying your Turkey Day leftovers . Posting late b/c not only did the original rental company cancel my order the day before Thanksgiving which caused me to have to make two trips to another county just to get the chairs I wanted, but I got a flate tire on the way to finish decorating for dinner . Thankfully, creating is therapeutic... plus I induled in a litle 1492

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